Hacking with cURL Commands - blackgem



Friday, June 9, 2023

Hacking with cURL Commands

Are you curious about how to use curl commands to hack? You've come to the right place! In this blog, we'll go over the basics of using curl to hack and work with data. 
We'll start with the basics of curl usage, then move on to some examples of how to use curl to access and manipulate information. By the end of this blog, you'll have a better understanding of curl and how to use it to hack.

What is cURL?

cURL is a powerful command-line tool that allows you to transfer data from or to a server using various protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. It's widely used for web development, API integrations, and data retrieval tasks. Curl is typically used to send information to a server and retrieve output from a server.

The most recent stable version is 8.1.2, released on 2023-05-30. 

Useful cURL commands

Here's an introduction to some basic cURL commands to help you get started:

Curl HTTP Basic Commands

By making an HTTP request, curl can transfer data from a remote web server to a local computer. This allows us to manipulate data, such as a web page or file, remotely.

1. GET Request : curl -X GET ip
2. HEAD Request : curl -I ip 
3. OPTIONS Request : curl -X OPTIONS ip -v
4. POST Request : curl -X POST ip
5. PUT Request : curl -XPUT ip
6. DELETE method : curl -X DELETE ip/path -v

You can also specify multiple HTTP methods using --next flag.

curl –data “text=Hello” https://myDomain.com/firstPage.jsp --next https://myDomain.com/webPage.jsp

Curl Commands Combined with Flags

1. Verify curl version

curl --version

2. Basic Syntax

curl [OPTIONS] [URL]

Omitting OPTIONS the will download the source code of a website.

3. Login to a website:

curl -X POST -d "name=mike&password=password" -v

The --data (-d) flag is used you to send data to a specific URL. For example, you can use the --data flag to send a username and password to a login page to gain access to the target system.

4. Upload a file

To upload a file to a server, use the -F flag followed by the form field name and the file location.

curl -F "file=@/path/to/your/file.txt" http://example.com/upload

another option

curl --upload-file hello.txt

curl -s "url" | html2text | grep "Hash" -A 1 | grep -v -E "Hash|\--"

6. Multiple downloads

xargs –n 1 curl -O < allUrls.txt

Having a text file with a list of urls to download can be dumped with this command.

7. Spoofing user agent

The --user-agent flag will let you to spoof the user agent of your request. The user agent tells the server which type of browser you are using to access the target system. By spoofing the user agent, you can potentially bypass some security measures.

curl -I http://mydomain.com –-user-agent “My new Browser”

8. Manipulating cookies

The --cookie flag allows you to send cookies to a specific URL. This can be useful if you want to send data that is unique to each user. For example, if you want to send a unique code to each user in order to access the target system, you can use the --cookie flag to send this code.

curl --cookie-jar Mycookies.txt https://www.samplewebsite.com /index.html -O

If you have the cookies in a file, you can send it to the website. An example of such a command is shown below:

curl --cookie Mycookies.txt https://www. samplewebsite.com

9. cURL for FTP

You can use it to download files from a remote server. The username and password can be omitted for anonymous FTP connections.

curl -u username:password -O ftp://anyftpserver/testfile.tar.gz

10. Limit output

While using cURL, you can't tell how big the output will be. You can throttle the bandwidth to make sure it's not throttled by cURL.

The following command restricts the bandwidth to 200K

curl --limit-rate 100K http://testdomain.com/samplefile.tar.gz -O

11. Follow redirects

If the server sends a redirect, use the -L flag to make cURL follow the redirect.

curl -L http://example.com

12. Add custom headers

To send custom headers with your request, use the -H flag.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" http://example.com/api/endpoint

Hacking with curl commands:

Now, let’s take a look at how to hack with curl commands. Hacking into someone’s system starts with a few steps. First, you need to identify the target system. Then, you need to find the correct URLs to send the curl commands to. Once you have identified the target system and the correct URLs, you can start sending curl commands.

Scenario 1

Let's say we have done enumeration on our system and discover a suspicious php file. How do we know it is suspicious? because we test it with curl. And how do we test it? Well, we try to run system commands and see how it responds.

We can validate if the url is vulnerable to LFI by using the cURL command for consistency reasons. In this example I attempt to read the content of the /etc/passwd file:


and successfully list the users of the system

Now, still using curl, we try to dig into the user testing to see if it has interesting information in home directory. For this example we extract the private ssh key stored in .ssh/id_rsa under the home directory of the user testing


The rest is history. We save this key and attempt to connect via ssh and pwn the machine.


You can try to upload a shell directly to the system if this is LFI vulnerable.



Local file inclusion (also known as LFI) is the process of including files, that are already locally present on the server, through the exploitation of vulnerable inclusion procedures implemented in an application

Scenario 2

In this scenario I discovered a vulnerable url and I am uploading a shell.

Since I am capturing requests in Burpsuite and I want to manipulate such request in my terminal, I can use the option "copy as curl command" and then paste it in my console. Before doing it so, I make sure that response when sending the shell is OK.

Obtaining a 200 response, I can paste the request in my terminal and now I can do a reverse shell in my attacker machine.

And now, well, I own the machine.

Scenario 3

Dumping data from a database. For this instance we have discovered a vulnerable Grafana database.
Since grafana uses sqlite3 database stored in /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db we can use an exploit in go to dump the database.

curl --path-as-is -o grafana.db

then we can use the DB browser for SQLite in Kali and we browse for data in the data_source table

By using these curl commands, you can hack into systems with relative ease. If you want to know more about cURL you can visit everything curl site.

Disclosure: It’s important to note, however, that hacking into someone’s system is illegal and should only be done with permission. The content of this post is with educational purposes only.

If you’d like to learn more, make sure to check out the official curl documentation. Happy hacking!

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